A small-town dance teacher/choreographer prepares her annual Christmas spectacular while making new friends, overcoming sabotage, and finding love.
Now Available!
This is book one of the Maple Ridge Holiday Series. Keep checking back for more updates on new books.

A Dancer's Diary
A Dancer’s Diary has taken years to research as I wanted it to be unique from all of the other health-related dance books that are for sale. Instead of focusing on just one topic, I have decided to use my experience as a dancer and dance teacher to write about everything a dancer needs to know. This includes prevention and care of injuries, maintaining a healthy weight without falling into an eating disorder, how to make their own “spa” products at home, fun recipes, stretches, and beautifully illustrated journal pages.
Each dancer deserves a chance to reach their highest goals and potential. Injury and illness can hinder performance, making it difficult to reach these goals. Prevention is the most important aspect of maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. The first step is learning how to avoid injury and illness. Once you have established that, it will be much easier for you to achieve your goals and enjoy dancing. With this book, dancers will miss fewer classes throughout the dance year, leaving more time to excel and grow as a dancer. They will also have fun with the extra chapters on how to take care of your hair, feet, and skin, try their hand at homemade "spa" products, and learn easy ways to stay cool under pressure.