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Vitamin D

It is becoming a huge issue among dancers to have a vitamin D deficiency. This is partly because they are indoors all day rehearsing and...

Friday Flexibility - Part 6

Good afternoon everyone! Today we are going to focus on nighttime stretching. I had a hard time falling asleep last night so I decided to...

Something New

I thought it would be fun to share something new with you today. I don't know about the rest of you, but I love So You Think You Can...

Check Out A Dancer's Diary

I've gone back over some of my posts, especially the weight loss ones, and noticed that I told you we'd discuss certain topics at a later...

Increasing Back Flexibility

For Friday Flexibility today, I am going to share with you some great stretches that can increase the flexibility in your back. It's just...

Flexibility After An Injury

Before we get started, I want to remind you that if you feel any pain, immediately stop what you are doing. Minor injuries can be gently...

Friday Flexibility-Part 3

It's that time again! Today we talk about flexibility in the backs of the legs (calves, hamstrings, and glutes). Hamstrings can become...

Performance Eyes

I wanted to change things up a bit and make today fun by giving you some tips on how to do your eye makeup for performances. Of course,...

Support A Dancer's Diary

Hi everyone. I know it's unlike me to post on a Tuesday, but I just wanted to let you know about a few things happening for A Dancer's...

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