Monday Motivation – Stress & Its Effects
I've written about stress so many times that I was shocked to find out that I hadn't written any posts specifically on stress. So,...
I've written about stress so many times that I was shocked to find out that I hadn't written any posts specifically on stress. So,...
I've already written a post dedicated to why I don't believe Keto is a good diet to be on. You all know how much I hate fads, especially...
I'm bringing back an old post that I believe is perfect for what is going on in my life right now. I've been giving advice to various...
Since I haven't had a whole lot of time to plan my own workouts, I've been relying on YouTube for great workouts. If you are also having...
Since we have talked about what you can eat to help you sleep, I wanted to post something about how you can boost your energy levels...
All of you know that I'm not a huge fan of the Keto diet. However, I think that if you are considering it as a short-term diet for...
Okay guys, here is part two of my current weight-loss series. As a personal trainer, I have decided that I want to focus my efforts...
Since my theme has gone back to weight-loss, I decided that it would be a great time to discuss metabolism-boosting foods. You'll...
If you've been following me for a long time, you have probably seen the many posts I've done about weight-loss. I have talked about the...
I've done a lot of posts about weight-loss in the past, however, I feel that there are still some misconceptions out there about...
Oh, Summer, I'll be sad when you are truly gone. Guys, Summer isn't over yet! We still have over 4 weeks left of Summer. With that said,...
I was searching through my pins on Pinterest and found this excellent idea. Cassie Johnston over at Wholefully posted this. If you're...
Hello everyone! I hope you had a fantastic Independence day! I have a very special surprise for you today. I am combining two very cool...
It's Summer! Can you believe it? The weather has been so mild here that it almost doesn't feel like Summer yet. I'm so excited to get...
Have you ever struggled with cellulite? Most women have...including me. Since puberty, I've struggled with little ripples and dimples in...
I love exercising outdoors on cool mornings! The breeze, chirping birds overhead, and the naturally soft's the perfect way to...
A lot of people who have high blood pressure and certain heart issues, experience high levels of triglycerides. Triglycerides are a type...
I am so excited to announce that I've been working on a Spring Video series for my YouTube channel! This series will focus on teaching...
Whenever I'm working with a new client, I always make sure I know what their goals are. Goals for weight-loss or weight-gain, goals for...
Last week I tried making chia pudding for the first time in a very long time. The last time I made it, it wasn't a huge hit. The texture...