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Muscle Strength as You Age

I tend to gravitate toward a lot of nutrition posts but I'd like to provide a well-rounded look at health and fitness for those of you...

My Current Favorite Workout Videos

Since I haven't had a whole lot of time to plan my own workouts, I've been relying on YouTube for great workouts. If you are also having...

Post-Injury Flexibility

Before we get started, I want to remind you that if you feel any pain, immediately stop what you are doing. Minor injuries can be gently...

Best Exercises for Turnout

Going along with my pointe series, I wanted to talk a little bit about turnout. I have a student who struggles with hip mobility and...

Travel Fitness Diaries - Part 1

Tomorrow starts my summer vacation! I am so excited to finally have a break from writing. I thought it would be fun to start a travel...

Top 5 Exercises for the Rotator Cuff

One of the most common injuries in both dance and athletics is rotator cuff injury. This particular injury comes from overuse (baseball,...

Spring Sale

This spring, I will be offering $10 off the Amazon price of A Dancer's Diary! If you order before June 1st, you will get A Dancer's Diary...

Inspiring You To Keep Working!

I have a bit of a back injury and am not able to exercise, however, you are able to exercise so I am going to share a little inspiration...

Is Flexibility Important In Sports?

We all know that flexibility is extremely important when it come to dance and gymnastics, however, not many people realize how important...

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