Hi everyone. I know it's unlike me to post on a Tuesday, but I just wanted to let you know about a few things happening for A Dancer's Diary.
First, I am looking for dancers who would like to perform for the launch in August. I am choreographing a couple of Broadway styled dances and need 4-6 dancers (male and female) who would have fun showing off their talent and advertising their dance studio. I need to start rehearsing sometime in the next week or so, so please email me a short video of your dancing: amanda.howard@live.com.
Secondly, I started up a Kickstarter campaign in order to raise the funds I need to continue writing my sequels, publishing A Dancer's Diary, costumes for the performance, marketing and ads, and travel expenses for the book tour. If you are excited for A Dancer's Diary, I encourage you to check out my campaign. For those who donate $10, they will receive an invitation to the public launch (very limited so this is a great opportunity) and those who donate $25 or more get a free, signed copy of the book. Just see what you think and maybe help me raise the money I need. Thank you! Click here

I hope that you are excited for the impending publishing of this highly anticipated dance book! I'll be back to posting on Wednesday,
Until next time,