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Life Update & Book Discount

I know I've been a little MIA the past couple weeks and I apologize for that. I've been working on writing my first novel and the...

And The Winner Is...

Holly Flores! Woohoo! Congratulations on winning the giveaway, Holly. You have won a signed copy of A Dancer's Diary, a signed copy of...

Exercise...How Much is Too Much?

Like anything in life, exercise should be done in moderation. There are usually two types of people when it comes to fitness; those who...

Monday Motivation

Have a wonderful day my lovely readers! Don't forget to enter to win a signed copy of A Dancer's Diary, a signed copy of Stress Less...

Snapping Joints...What Does It Mean?

Every dancer knows exactly what I'm going to talk about today. Have you ever experienced snapping or popping joints? Most dancers, and...

Did Someone Say Giveaway?!

We've talked a lot about how to take care of your skin from both the inside and outside. On Monday, I shared some of the best foods to...

Natural At-Home "Spa" Products

I've had a lot of fun so far trying out new products and recipes for pampering myself at home. Now, I know that nothing beats a spa and...

Monday Munchies - Food For Your Skin

If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen that I am starting a series all about natural care products and at-home "spa" items....

Monday Munchies - On-The-Go Meals

Good afternoon everyone! I want to apologize for the absence of posts last week, but we're back on track this week. Today I'm sharing...

Healthy Beauty Brands

As a health professional, I find that having healthy makeup brands is just as important as eating healthy foods. Everything that you put...

New Things Coming Your Way!

I've been thinking about some fun changes for the blog lately and I'm excited to announce that they will finally be coming into effect...

Top 5 Exercises for the Rotator Cuff

One of the most common injuries in both dance and athletics is rotator cuff injury. This particular injury comes from overuse (baseball,...

A Great Workout for Hump Day

I haven't posted as much as I'd like on fitness so I'm going to start regularly sharing some of my favorite fitness tips and exercises....

Healthy Weight-Loss Snacks 3

I love having snacks in the house because I feel like I'm always hungry. When you start to build up your metabolism in order to lose...

Spring Sale

This spring, I will be offering $10 off the Amazon price of A Dancer's Diary! If you order before June 1st, you will get A Dancer's Diary...

Healthy Weight-Loss Snacks

For the last month or so, I have been posting about all of the dangerous and unhealthy ways to lose weight. Now, it's time to post a...

Inspiring You To Keep Working!

I have a bit of a back injury and am not able to exercise, however, you are able to exercise so I am going to share a little inspiration...

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