As you already know, sleep is extremely important for overall health. It keeps stress levels down, unwanted weight off, and lowers risk of disease. However, there are times when sleep doesn't come very easily. Did you know that there are certain types of food that contain special vitamins and minerals that can act as sleep aids?
Vitamin D, melatonin, iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, B vitamins, and theanine are all excellent for promoting restful sleep. There are so many different foods that contain some or all of these wonderful nutrients. Here are just a few:

Cherries are one of the few foods that contain melatonin. I recommend eating tart cherries, taking tart cherry supplements, or even drinking a little tart cherry juice (no added sugar) to store up healthy levels of melatonin for healthy sleep.

Warm Milk with Turmeric
Turmeric is anti-inflammatory which can help your body relax at night. Combine with warm milk and a little Manuka honey and you've got yourself a delicious bedtime treat.

Bananas contain potassium and magnesium which aid in muscle relaxation which is why they are great for muscle cramps.

Have you ever taken a long nap after Thanksgiving dinner? That's because the tryptophan in turkey can cause you to feel sleepy. If you have a really hard time falling asleep, make yourself a meal with turkey.

Sweet Potato
Another great source of potassium is the sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are excellent for you as complex carbohydrates but they are also great for promoting restful sleep.

Rich in magnesium, lentils are great for promoting restful sleep. My favorites are the French green lentils. There are many different ways to eat them and they are also great complex carbohydrates.

Almonds contain melatonin, which as I mentioned before, is great for aiding in sleep. Melatonin regulates your "inner clock" that tells your brain when you need to go to bed. A handful of almonds is excellent for a quick fix.
These foods are great for sleeplessness but there are also so many more foods that can also help. If you'd like to see a full list of foods that contain the above-mentioned vitamins and minerals, I encourage you to check out A Dancer's Diary.
Until next time,