Whenever I'm working with a new client, I always make sure I know what their goals are. Goals for weight-loss or weight-gain, goals for nutrition, goals for increased strength, flexibility, endurance, etc. One of the most difficult things for a lot of people is setting achievable goals.

Sometimes it's fun to set a goal that is a little outlandish to see how close you get to that goal, however, in my line of work I've found that it's simpler to set smaller goals. For example, instead of setting the goal to lose weight before Summer, you can be more specific setting a goal to lose 15 pounds before June 1st.
See how that is a little easier to achieve? Goals are important. They give you something to look forward to and something to work toward. As you begin setting goals to prepare for Summer, stick to easy, achievable goals. You can even set a reward for achieving that goal. Here are some examples of specific goals:
Be able to lift 10 pound dumbbells in my biceps curls before July 1st
Be able to do 50 squats in one go before May 10th
Be able to do a standing pike stretch with straight legs while touching the floor before August 20th
These goals are easily reached in short time frames and force you to work on those specific areas in which you are weak.
Here are some examples of fun rewards:
Go rock climbing and try the most difficult wall
Try paddle boarding in a new bathing suit
Get some frozen yogurt with friends
I hope that this helps you as you build goals into your Summer workout routine. And, speaking of Summer workout routines, I have begun working on my first YouTube workout series. I'm so excited to share this fun, beginner-friendly, body-weight series with you to help you get in shape for the beach, or whatever you plan on doing this Summer.
Subscribe to my channel to be the first to know when the videos are uploaded.
What is your fitness and/or health goal for the Summer?
How do you like to reward yourself for reaching a goal?
Until next time,
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