Do you struggle with a lack of motivation?
During the cold months, it becomes a lot harder to remain motivated. Hopefully, these tips will help you either increase motivation or help you get out of a plateau that you might be caught up in.
1. Change up your fitness program
This seems simple but it could make a huge difference. If you're continuing the same few workouts, rotating them around, it can get boring. Choose one or two new workouts that might be fun, challenging, and different. You don't want your body to adapt to the same movements. Challenge it each week with something new to see the gains that you want to see.
2. Make note of specific goals that you would like to accomplish
When you write down your goals, make sure they are attainable and specific. If they are vague, it will be harder to achieve.
3. Figure out what would make exercising easier
Is it a comfy, warm, outfit? Is it a favorite snack, meal, or smoothie to get you revved up? Whatever it is that gets you ready for your workouts each day, make note of it and try and build it into your morning, afternoon, or evening routine.
4. Track your progress
Whether it's on an app (I use FitOn), a digital or physical calendar, or a notebook, tracking your progress can oftentimes help you stay motivated when you see the progress improving. This also can show you if you're plateauing. When you hit a plateau, it might be time for a change; in diet, in attitude, or in workouts.
5. Workout with someone
Build a support system for yourself. Try and get some friends involved in your workout sessions. Use each other to keep each other motivated to continue exercising.
If you're still not feeling the motivation, take a break. Yes, I'm saying that you need to give yourself permission to take a break. Not for very long, just a short one. If you're feeling extra tired, run-down, sick, or just plain blah, feel free to take the day off. If you do take the day off, think of doing a quick stretch in the afternoon to get your blood flowing a bit so that you're not stagnant all day.
I hope this helps you the next time you feel stuck. Is there anything in particular that you do to get yourself motivated?
Until next time,