It's Summer! Can you believe it? The weather has been so mild here that it almost doesn't feel like Summer yet. I'm so excited to get cracking on my Summer bucket list (if you'd like to join, I shared Hayley Solano's bucket list on my personal blog: What are you most excited for?
Today's post is all about apple cider vinegar (ACV). ACV is a fermented vinegar that contains gut-healthy probiotics and enzymes that can help detoxify the liver, purify the blood, cleanses the lymph nodes, and boosts immunity. It can be added to water, juice, dressings, and marinades.

As a healthy boost, I recommend adding 1-2 Tablespoons of ACV (preferably with the mother [the probiotics]) to an 8-oz. glass of water in the morning before breakfast.
The benefits:
Regulates blood sugar levels
Enhances weight loss
Lowers cholesterol
Improves skin health
Reduces blood pressure
Relieves symptoms of acid reflux
What to use ACV for:
Boosting gut health
Soothing sunburns
Regulating blood sugar
Fighting fungus
Improving skin health
Enhancing circulation
Treating warts
Healing poison ivy
Killing bugs and fleas
Avoiding allergies
Natural deodorant
Making hair shiny
Improving weight loss
Reducing acid reflux and heartburn
Balancing your pH
Household cleaner
Whitening teeth
Recovering from colds
Lowering blood pressure
Soothing sore throat
and so much more!
As you can see, apple cider vinegar is an important addition to your kitchen pantry. When purchasing ACV, stick to organic as much as possible and look for the kind "with the mother" as it contains the natural probiotics (the floaty stuff). The best brand is Bragg.

Have you tried ACV before?
What is you favorite way to take it?
If you would like more information on apple cider vinegar and its many, many benefits, you can visit my resource site:
Until next time,