This interview actually took place back in December but due to various conflicts, I'm just now posting it. Special thanks to Kris Wampler for interviewing me and for hosting me on his blog! You can view the entire post here and don't forget to follow him on his social platforms; Twitter and Facebook.

Amanda Howard understands the pros and cons of self-publishing, as well as the need to effectively market your book. Learn what kept her going when she felt discouraged in her writing efforts.
1. Tell me briefly about your latest book – what is it about and what motivated you to write it?
My novel, The First Gift of Christmas, is part of a series called the Maple Ridge Holiday Series. I am planning on writing at least six books in total. I am a dancer/dance teacher/choreographer, which was the main inspiration behind my book. My love of classic novels played a lot into how I write and develop my characters. Hallmark was also a huge inspiration as I wanted to write something that would be different from what they typically publish/film, but with the basic components of a really great Hallmark story.
The First Gift of Christmas is about a young dance teacher who is well-known for her annual Christmas performances in the small town of Maple Ridge, Massachusetts. This year, not only is she being considered for assistant choreographer with the prestigious Boston Ballet, but there is also a handsome newcomer that has captured her attention. She must struggle to focus on impressing the company while overcoming sabotage and her attraction to Maple Ridge’s newcomer.
2. How have your sales been?
I sold all my on-hand copies within a month and I’m still selling copies on Amazon.
3. You’ve chosen self-publishing. How have you liked it so far? Talk about some of the positives and negatives you’ve encountered.
I chose self-publishing because it was the easiest option for me at the time. My books are available as print-on-demand to keep costs down. It is nice to not have to pay an agent; I’m blessed to have my publisher be under the family business which means I get great royalties, and I am learning marketing tactics.
4. What sort of networking have you done as an author, and what have been the results?
I used ads on Facebook for a short time which were tailored to reach a very specific readership group. But eventually, that became too expensive for the small amount of progress. Thankfully, I built a community of followers in the dance industry, book lovers, and Hallmark fans before I published my book. I was also very blessed to be surrounded by friends and family that were able to beta-read my book for me and share the news with all of their book-loving, Hallmark-loving, Christmas-loving friends.
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to check out the rest here.
Until next time,