Okay, so if you saw my post yesterday, you will have seen the first 11 dangerous ingredients that can be found in beauty products. These harmful ingredients can be found in products ranging from toothpaste to baby lotion. If you haven't seen it, go check out part 1 now.
I will be sharing the last 11 more harmful ingredients. If you would like a list of healthy brands, please let me know. I will be doing a healthy beauty products post later on this month. With that said, enjoy part 2!

12. Hydroquinone
This ingredient has been linked to cancer and reproductive toxicity. It is banned in the UK and is rated as one of the most toxic ingredients. It is usually used for lightening the skin. Some skin cleansers, moisturizers, and conditioners contain hydroquinone.
The companies that use this product:
Here is a comprehensive list: Household Product Database
Find out all the names it goes by:
13. Lead
Lead is a known carcinogen that is considered a contaminant and not necessarily a listed ingredient. It can be found in lipstick and hair dye.
The companies that use this product:
Here is a comprehensive list: Household Product Database
Find out all the names it goes by:
14. Mercury
Mercury has always been known to impair brain development. It is still used in mascara and certain eyedrops, meaning it's being absorbed into the head. Thankfully, this ingredient is not used as often as it used to be but is still present in some products.
The companies that use this product:
Here is a comprehensive list: Household Product Database
Find out all the names it goes by:
15. Mineral Oil
This particular ingredient makes me so mad. The reason why is because so many beauty companies (and even companies that make baby products) use it thinking that it's okay. Because of that, it is used in everything! It is petroleum-based, which if you remember from part 1, and clogs pores. This impairs the skin's ability to release toxins. It is also linked to cancer and skin irritation.
The companies that use this product:
Here is a list (there is definitely more to be added to this list): Household Product Database
Find out all the names it goes by:
16. Parabens
Preservatives are found in so many products, sometimes even those that claim to be "natural". They are linked to hormone disruption, cancer, endocrine disruption, and reproductive toxicity. Ugh!
The companies that use this product:
Here is a comprehensive list: Household Product Database
Find out all the names it goes by:
17. P-Phenylenediamine (PPD)
This ingredient is use in hair dyes and is toxic to the immune system.
The companies that use this product:
Here is a comprehensive list: Household Product Database
Find out all the names it goes by:
I feel like this list keeps getting worse and worse. Okay, back to work...
18. Phthalates
This ingredient is banned in Europe and California for children's toys, however, it is still used for fragrances, deodorants, and lotions. It has been linked to endocrine disruption, cancer, and liver, kidney, and lung damage.
The companies that use this product:
Here is a comprehensive list: Household Product Database
Find out all the names it goes by:
19. Polyethylene Glycol (PED)
This ingredient helps increase the absorption quality of the product. It is often contaminated by 1,4 dioxan (see part 1) and ethylene oxide (linked to breast cancer). It is a carcinogen (are you seeing a pattern?).
The companies that use this product:
Here is a comprehensive list: Household Product Database
20. Silicone-Derived Emollients
This ingredient is not biodegradable, which means that it is not only harmful to your body, it's also harmful for the environment. It helps make products feel soft and is linked to tumor growth and skin irritation.
The companies that use this product:
Here is a comprehensive list: Household Product Database
21. Talc
This ingredient can be found in a lot of face powders, baby powder, eye shadow, blush, and deodorant. It is linked to ovarian cancer and respiratory problems. Avoid baby powder!
The companies that use this product:
Here is a comprehensive list: Household Product Database
Find out all the names it goes by:
22. Toluene
Found in nail and hair products, toluene is known for disrupting the immune and endocrine system as well as fetal development. It is often hidden under names like "fragrance".
The companies that use this product:
Here is a comprehensive list: Household Product Database
Find out all the names it goes by:
How's that? I still can't believe how many harmful ingredients are in our everyday products. Which ones surprised you the most? I hope that you enjoyed this short series. Let me know if you have any questions.
Until next time,