Good morning everyone!
I hope you are having a beautiful day so far. Today I wanted to share with you an awesome opportunity! I am looking for dance teachers and/or studio owners as well as highly experienced dancers to beta read and review my book.
What does that mean? Well, it means that I would send you a PDF copy of my book to read and write a brief (or long) review on. These reviews will go directly on and some will go on other social media.
I want dance teachers and dancers to be the first to review the book so that they can help spread the word. The first 3 studio owners or dance teachers to review my book will have a chance for them and 6-8 of their students to come and perform at the book launch party.

Not only will this provide me with some advertising, it will also provide your studio with advertising. I am looking for studios local to the Eastern Shore as I want to support local dancers.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please email or call me using the information below. Remember, the first 3 to review will receive the 9 special invitations to the party in June.
I look forward to hearing from you!
(302) 430-9930
or use the contact form on the About page