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Cool Statistics on Dancers

Writer: AmandaHowardAmandaHoward

I came across this email from Dance Magazine a couple of days ago that intrigued me. Usually I skip over these emails because I'm not really interested in reading most of their articles, however, every now and then an interesting one comes up. This particular article was showing a study that was done on dancers and non-dancers to see if dancers' brains were wired differently.

It turns out that dancers use their entire brains while dancing through emotion, choreography, and improvisation. Because they are using their whole brain, dancers have better capabilities to learn long routines in seconds, think clearly, fix mistakes using improv quickly, and multi-tasking.

I thought that these statistics were amazing! What do you think? Dancers are graceful, strong, emotional, powerful performers and I am proud to be counted as one of them. Feel free to check out the whole article here.

Have a wonderful Wednesday friends!

Until next time,



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