Worst Weight-Loss Programs (personal opinion)
If you've been following me for a long time, you have probably seen the many posts I've done about weight-loss. I have talked about the...
If you've been following me for a long time, you have probably seen the many posts I've done about weight-loss. I have talked about the...
I've done a lot of posts about weight-loss in the past, however, I feel that there are still some misconceptions out there about...
Oh, Summer, I'll be sad when you are truly gone. Guys, Summer isn't over yet! We still have over 4 weeks left of Summer. With that said,...
On Monday, we talked about running and how it doesn't have to be a grueling process. However, I wanted to talk a little bit more about...
Do you like running? I hate running...at least I used to. That type of cardio has always made me feel like an elephant was sitting on my...
I love jumping rope, especially in the Summer. It is a great way to have fun while increasing cardio and strength. This workout came from...
If you are like me, oatmeal would probably be your last choice when it comes to breakfast food. It's not that it tastes bad, it's just...
The heat of Summer has definitely been getting to me. It has reached 100-degrees multiple times this week! With the heat, I feel like...
I was searching through my pins on Pinterest and found this excellent idea. Cassie Johnston over at Wholefully posted this. If you're...
As a fitness & health blogger, I always like to see what others in my profession are blogging about. For today's inspiration, I'd like to...
Hello everyone! I hope you had a fantastic Independence day! I have a very special surprise for you today. I am combining two very cool...
As easy as it might seem, setting aside an hour a day to have time to yourself is not the simplest of actions. Sometimes things come up...
Hello everyone! I am very excited to introduce you to my guest blogger, John German. He has written a post for us today about natural...
It's Summer! Can you believe it? The weather has been so mild here that it almost doesn't feel like Summer yet. I'm so excited to get...
Have you ever struggled with cellulite? Most women have...including me. Since puberty, I've struggled with little ripples and dimples in...
With Summer on the horizon comes family vacation. With family vacation comes traveling. If you are like me and my family, travel snacks...
I wanted to briefly step away from the health & fitness posts to share one of my hobbies with you...reading. I love reading! But I...
It's June! This means that Summer is that much closer! With the warm weather, comes going out and getting active. Playing off my last...
I love exercising outdoors on cool mornings! The breeze, chirping birds overhead, and the naturally soft ground...it's the perfect way to...
In dance, there are many common injuries that can put a dancer out of class for weeks, even months in order to recover. We discussed a...