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Why is Iron so Important?

Why is iron so important for our bodies? Iron is an important mineral that aids in the formation of oxygen-carrying materials, including...

Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight-Loss

I love apple cider vinegar! The benefits of this great vinegar include alkalizing the body, lowering blood sugar levels, and aiding in...

Healthy Weight-Loss Snacks 4

The best way to lose weight is to increase your metabolism. When your metabolism is normal, you are able to burn fat quickly and...

Healthy Weight-Loss Snacks 3

I love having snacks in the house because I feel like I'm always hungry. When you start to build up your metabolism in order to lose...

Spring Sale

This spring, I will be offering $10 off the Amazon price of A Dancer's Diary! If you order before June 1st, you will get A Dancer's Diary...

Healthy Weight-Loss Snacks 2

Now that you have a basic understanding of what it takes to lose weight, I'm going to share some great companies that sell the best...

Fun Full-Body Workout

I love working out and so I'm always looking for new videos that I can use for quick burst workouts. Blogilates is great for quick and...

Healthy Weight-Loss Snacks

For the last month or so, I have been posting about all of the dangerous and unhealthy ways to lose weight. Now, it's time to post a...

Inspiring You To Keep Working!

I have a bit of a back injury and am not able to exercise, however, you are able to exercise so I am going to share a little inspiration...

Monday Munchies - Coffee Date Shake

I know that coffee is the number 1 drink that people go for in the morning for a boost. Though I don't always encourage you to rely on...

Monday Munchies - Energy Creamsicle

Instead of sharing a recipe for a meal or dessert today, I thought it would be a neat twist to share a drink instead. This energy drink...

Surviving the Flu Season

So many people have been getting the flu lately so I thought it perfectly providential that I post about how to survive the flu season....

Monday Munchies - Muesli Cookies

This morning we had some delicious muesli cookies for breakfast. I would have taken some pictures, but they were eaten so quickly that I...

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