"Darling it wouldn't be a party without you!" - Basic Invite Sponsored
You all know how much I adore throwing parties! Having my friends over to celebrate together the simplest things in life. Whether it’s a...
You all know how much I adore throwing parties! Having my friends over to celebrate together the simplest things in life. Whether it’s a...
I hope you have a positive, wonderful day! Until next time, Amanda
As easy as it might seem, setting aside an hour a day to have time to yourself is not the simplest of actions. Sometimes things come up...
Hello everyone! I am very excited to introduce you to my guest blogger, John German. He has written a post for us today about natural...
Have you ever struggled with cellulite? Most women have...including me. Since puberty, I've struggled with little ripples and dimples in...
I've been dealing with tight upper back and shoulders lately. Did you know that tight muscles can cause impinged nerves? When your...
I wanted to briefly step away from the health & fitness posts to share one of my hobbies with you...reading. I love reading! But I...
It's June! This means that Summer is that much closer! With the warm weather, comes going out and getting active. Playing off my last...
I love exercising outdoors on cool mornings! The breeze, chirping birds overhead, and the naturally soft ground...it's the perfect way to...
Traveling can always pose an issue when you are trying to stick to a specific diet and/or fitness plan. This is especially true if you...
Ah, sleep! I've been slightly lacking in sleep the past couple of days. Sleep is so extremely important for your overall health. Proper...
Going along with my pointe series, I wanted to talk a little bit about turnout. I have a student who struggles with hip mobility and...
As a dance teacher, I've dealt with a lot of questions from my young students about pointe. It's the dream of most young ballerinas to...
If you're like me, working out at home is your favorite way to workout. Going to a gym can be expensive and intimidating. As a personal...
I am so excited to announce that I've been working on a Spring Video series for my YouTube channel! This series will focus on teaching...
Whenever I'm working with a new client, I always make sure I know what their goals are. Goals for weight-loss or weight-gain, goals for...
I've debated back and forth with myself about whether or not to post this, but I feel that it is necessary. Why you might ask? Because in...
Devices have become a huge focal point of our existence. They are everywhere...phones, computers, televisions, iPads, iPods, Bluetooth...
Unfortunately, eating disorders have been a huge part of the dance industry for years. Dancers force themselves to fit into the "perfect...
I am all about cheat day! In fact, I've been really bad at sticking to healthy eating the past week or so (I blame Valentine's Day). I've...