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Thoughts on Veganism & Vegetarianism

So, before I get started, please remember that the thoughts I present in this post are based on scientific research and my knowledge and...

Monday Munchies - Sugar Cookies

Phew! It's been a busy week getting things ready for Christmas! We've been packaging cookies and chocolates for friends and family,...

Short-Term Gluten-Free Diets

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! My family had a busy week of preparing, eating, and traveling. With all that behind me,...

Author Update! all know about A Dancer's Diary, but did you know that I'm working on another book? Yes, that's right. I have been working on a...

Healthy Weight-Loss Snacks 4

The best way to lose weight is to increase your metabolism. When your metabolism is normal, you are able to burn fat quickly and...

Monday Motivation

I feel like the majority of this blog is food related so I wanted to mix things up a little. Instead of doing Monday Munchies every...

Healthy Weight-Loss Snacks 2

Now that you have a basic understanding of what it takes to lose weight, I'm going to share some great companies that sell the best...

Fun Full-Body Workout

I love working out and so I'm always looking for new videos that I can use for quick burst workouts. Blogilates is great for quick and...

Happy Valentine's Day!

So today is the day. The day where love can be found all around you. My brother and I are here spending this holiday together, as we are...

Monday Munchies - Coffee Date Shake

I know that coffee is the number 1 drink that people go for in the morning for a boost. Though I don't always encourage you to rely on...

Valentine's Day Plans

If you are alone on Valentine's day, like me this year, here are some fun ideas for you to use to still have fun on a romantic holiday....

Cold Weather Fitness

I don't know about you, but I find it difficult to exercise in cold weather. I'm usually to cold to move, let alone dressing in fitness...

Monday Munchies - Energy Creamsicle

Instead of sharing a recipe for a meal or dessert today, I thought it would be a neat twist to share a drink instead. This energy drink...

Surviving the Flu Season

So many people have been getting the flu lately so I thought it perfectly providential that I post about how to survive the flu season....

Monday Munchies - Muesli Cookies

This morning we had some delicious muesli cookies for breakfast. I would have taken some pictures, but they were eaten so quickly that I...

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